

Tupperware Smidget コンテナ 1オンス 5個セット ブルー

Tupperware Smidget コンテナ 1オンス 5個セット ブルー
Tupperware Smidgetミニコンテナ。 5個セット。 各容量は1オンスです。 寸法は約1.5インチ x 高さ1インチです。 ご注意ください: シールが届きにくい場合は、数秒間お湯に浸すことが難しい場合は、シールが柔らかくなり、簡単に貼り付けられます。 使用によって柔らかくなります。 非常にタイトで、漏れや飛び出しがありません。 便利な容器です。

キッチンでは、スパイスやスプリンクルなどを保管できます。 錠剤、タックルボックス、裁縫キット、アートやクラフトなどに最適です。
ご注意ください: シールが届きにくい場合は、数秒間お湯に浸すことが難しい場合は、シールが柔らかくなり、簡単に貼り付けられます。 使用によって柔らかくなります。 非常にタイトで、漏れや飛び出しがありません。
Item Model
Technical Specification
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer‏: ‎No
Package Dimensions‏: ‎10.16 x 6.6 x 4.6 cm; 45.36 g
Manufacturer‏: ‎Tupperware
Item model number‏: ‎TRTAZ11A
Brand: Tupperware
All Variant
Size Variations
Colour Variations
Variation Details

Reviewed in the United States on February 8, 2018

I had a small yellow smidget and used it for medicine in my purse. I always said if I found another one I'd buy it. I was tickled to see this pack of 5. I shared a few with my daughter. Love the color. And you can't go wrong with Tupperware.

Reviewed in the United States on February 8, 2018

I had a small yellow smidget and used it for medicine in my purse. I always said if I found another one I'd buy it. I was tickled to see this pack of 5. I shared a few with my daughter. Love the color. And you can't go wrong with Tupperware.

Reviewed in the United States on April 8, 2016

They cost more than they should: Limited availability on Amazon -- I'll be d4mned if I'll go to a 'party' to get them -- but they're a pretty solid solution for dressings and other small condiments for lunch bags. I've used two sets of them over the last 5-6 years. Other then 'losing' them to school lunches, they haven't failed yet.

Reviewed in the United States on April 8, 2016

They cost more than they should: Limited availability on Amazon -- I'll be d4mned if I'll go to a 'party' to get them -- but they're a pretty solid solution for dressings and other small condiments for lunch bags. I've used two sets of them over the last 5-6 years. Other then 'losing' them to school lunches, they haven't failed yet.

Reviewed in the United States on January 14, 2016

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 Dear people of Amazon who can't get the lid on: I made you a video. The lids fit fine! They're so tight because that's the only way to keep them water tight so you can use them for salad dressings and things. You just need to use a little finger trick to get it on.

Reviewed in the United States on January 14, 2016

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 Dear people of Amazon who can't get the lid on: I made you a video. The lids fit fine! They're so tight because that's the only way to keep them water tight so you can use them for salad dressings and things. You just need to use a little finger trick to get it on.

Reviewed in the United States on May 5, 2016

Smaller than I'd expected but that's my fault. I really want (and will end up getting) the old 2 oz Classic Midgets. Cleaned them and soaked in hot tap water, put lids on when hot and no problems. Works for salad dressing in lunch box, but I often need to use 2 rather than just one.

Reviewed in the United States on May 5, 2016

Smaller than I'd expected but that's my fault. I really want (and will end up getting) the old 2 oz Classic Midgets. Cleaned them and soaked in hot tap water, put lids on when hot and no problems. Works for salad dressing in lunch box, but I often need to use 2 rather than just one.

Reviewed in the United States on November 2, 2015

Love these little things! The lids fit so snug and for those who left a review saying the lids are too small....they are not! They are made to fit super snug so yes, it can be difficult to get them on but they stay on and keep anything inside of them safe and secure! I will be buying more of these!

Reviewed in the United States on November 2, 2015

Love these little things! The lids fit so snug and for those who left a review saying the lids are too small....they are not! They are made to fit super snug so yes, it can be difficult to get them on but they stay on and keep anything inside of them safe and secure! I will be buying more of these!

Reviewed in the United States on November 5, 2015

I love these! They have so many uses. I travel a lot and I don't like to have so much stuff to carry. It great for cleansing cream or moisturizer. I also put just enough tylenol for a few days in one. My daughter uses them for her lunch to carry salad dressing or toppings. they don't leak.

Reviewed in the United States on November 5, 2015

I love these! They have so many uses. I travel a lot and I don't like to have so much stuff to carry. It great for cleansing cream or moisturizer. I also put just enough tylenol for a few days in one. My daughter uses them for her lunch to carry salad dressing or toppings. they don't leak.

Reviewed in the United States on May 4, 2016

The lids are kind of hard to get on and off. I bought to put with sauces and dips in my daughters lunchbox but she can't put the lids back on so it ends up spilling everywhere. Be careful of warping in super hot dishwashers. A few of our lids won't work anymore.

Reviewed in the United States on May 4, 2016

The lids are kind of hard to get on and off. I bought to put with sauces and dips in my daughters lunchbox but she can't put the lids back on so it ends up spilling everywhere. Be careful of warping in super hot dishwashers. A few of our lids won't work anymore.

Reviewed in the United States on February 20, 2015

I bought these for the purpose of carrying my own salad dressing in my purse, and they meet my needs perfectly. They hold exactly two tablespoons, which is what I needed. The seal is tight with no leakage at all. I did not experience what some reviewers did with the lids not fitting well. I took the advice of another reviewer and put these in a pot of boiling water for a couple of minutes. I removed them with tongs and immediately put the seals on the container with no problem at all. I left them on until they cooled. Now the lids go on and off just the way you would want them too. You don't want it to be too easy because then it will not be a tight enough seal. Maybe it is a little tricky for young children as another reviewer pointed out, but for me it is relatively easy to seal them. They are perfect for carrying a liquid ingredient without worrying about a leak.

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