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Reviewed in the United Kingdom on April 15, 2015

Risers do what they are supposed to, and can take the weight of the bed with me in it. I need to raise one end of the bed slightly more than the height of these, so I create two taller risers by stacking the other two on top, and that works too.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 8, 2014

Excellent. Cheapest that I could find on the net. Being used to raise box bed after operation. Does the job brilliantly. Bought two sets.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 17, 2015

As Advertised, Prompt delivery

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 5, 2014

Great service and exactly what I needed.

Reviewed in Canada on September 4, 2020

The risers are currently holding up even when my big butt jumped on the bed.My only complaint is to have the option to buy 5 or 6.My bed frame has 6 support legs. And other bed frames have 5.I had to buy 2 sets of 4 to get the 6 I needed. Now I have 2 extra.

Reviewed in Canada on June 18, 2020

I needed these to raise my two end tables, as the tops sat about six inches below the arms of the sofa, and these did exactly what I needed them to do. They are meant for beds, so they are quite large, however, in my case I have a love seat and a chair to each side of the couch so the tables are not exposed to the open room, so unless you are looking right at them you do not see or notice the risers at all. I can't speak to how they would perform with a bed but they are manufactured for that and they seem solid and sturdy.

Reviewed in Canada on January 21, 2019

I am still on the fence about whether or not I will be keeping these. Tried to nudge my bed over a little, and one of the posts fell right over, my bed fell off and even came apart. I am sure it is probably my fault or not understanding the product placement, but I have cats and it could have fallen on them, and that scares me from putting it back up on the risers again. Plus I live alone and it is not an easy task for one person to do alone.

Reviewed in Canada on February 3, 2019

We broke our old wooden bedframe and got a new metal one from Ikea but the legs were short and we didn't like how it felt when we sat on the edge when we got up. We put these risers underneath and it got our bed to the perfect height. They are resilient and haven't slipped around. Recommend them if you need to raise your bed.

Reviewed in Canada on August 24, 2020

I use these to raise a small table and make more storage space underneath so I can't really tell how well they would cope with a weight of a bed but they look very sturdy. They are not the most "elegant" but I have a long tablecloth so you can't see them. They definitely serve my purpose!

Reviewed in Canada on June 20, 2019

The product raised the bed to just the right height. It felt solid to sleep on. The set of 4 had to be added to though...needed 6 to put under all the existing supports. Four of the bed supports had wheels which fitted nicely into the riser slots without having to take (wheels) them off.

Reviewed in Canada on May 4, 2019

These risers have made a huge difference when attending markets. The general height of tables left us with sore backs after the end of the day. We found the risers made a huge difference. Also, more customers lingered at the table to shop too...

Reviewed in Canada on April 23, 2020

Good bed risers, but not very sturdy, one of my kids jumped on the bed and broke them, I know thats not perfect use if the bed but my kid weighs like 60 pounds

Reviewed in Canada on December 3, 2018

these were taller than I thought but did exactly what I wanted them to do... sadly I needed 6 for my bed frame so I had to order two sets...

Reviewed in Canada on January 22, 2020

When these first arrived, I worried they might look too bulky on the bed, but they actually enhance its appearance. These are very sturdy, raise the bed to the height of its bunk twin counterpart, and allow for more storage space under the bed. Win win win. Well worth the price.

Reviewed in Canada on February 19, 2019

Excellent product. Only downside is my bed has 6 posts so I had to order an extra set. None the less it allows me to store things under my bed and makes my bed higher up. These are the best priced bed risers I’ve found yet!

Reviewed in Canada on May 14, 2020

I purchased the wrong size and ultimately had to return the product. For the short amount of time that I owned it however, I found these to be a sturdy product.

Reviewed in Canada on May 3, 2019

My drum kit was too low, so I bought these to put under the legs. Works great! I just wish they were a little cheaper, since they're just molded pieces of plastic. But they are sturdy so eh.

Reviewed in Canada on May 11, 2020

Very happy with this product, lightweight but sturdyBought an expensive MCM bed frame and the middle legs broke , these risers happened to be the right height and now the bed is more comfy than everHighly recommend!

Reviewed in Canada on June 16, 2020

I use these to raise my cutting table for sewing and they work great. Stable and well crafted.

Reviewed in Canada on June 5, 2021

Sturdy. Does the job. Created a space for storage and looks neat n tidy .

Reviewed in Canada on May 13, 2021

First set arrived with one broken. Reordered another set and returned the fist one. All is good.

Reviewed in Canada on September 22, 2016

Fantastic. I bought a bed foundation that was sitting on the floor and it made the bed so low I had problem to get out of bed. I also gain the space under the bed for storage. Very sturdy.

Reviewed in Canada on January 31, 2019

We have been using it since Christmas and so far it does the job and we have no problems

Reviewed in Canada on February 24, 2020

Great for raising table height for cutting fabric!

Reviewed in Canada on October 11, 2020

Works great, easy to use, light weight

Reviewed in Canada on July 2, 2020

I bought these leg extenders for a table that I use for cutting out fabric for quilting. I don't have to bend down so far, much easier on the back.

Reviewed in Canada on September 11, 2019

Way better than the ones from any home stores! Sturdy and provide lots of extra storage. Never move around/ shift.

Reviewed in Canada on February 17, 2021

I used them to lift my couch to a higher position. They are strong and stable. I get off and on the couch with confidence.

Reviewed in Canada on December 24, 2018

I bought this for my bed so that I could have some more storage for when I moved into my new apartment, my bed has the wheels and my bed is very sturdy on these risers! So happy!!

Reviewed in Canada on February 12, 2020

We have a twin bed which we wanted to raise. These bed raisers are strong and doesn't trip or move. We are using this from last 3 months and have no complaints.

本間氏、N党から出馬へ 衆院熊本3区
北村匠海「トミー ヒルフィガーらしさを伝えていきたい」 ブレイク俳優・北村匠海が人気ブランド「トミー ヒルフィガー」のブランドアンバサダーに就任。インタビューとともにFALLコレクションを公開! 西矢椛が太鼓判「シャン・チーは世界の英雄になれる」 スケボー界の新ヒロイン・西矢椛が『シャン・チー』を鑑賞。迫力のアクションを体感し、マーベル新ヒーローに魅了された西矢がその魅力を語る。 アニメサブスク始 ...

N党の宮川氏、鹿児島4区に立候補表明 衆院選
さいたま市の自営業、宮川直輝氏(48)は7日、鹿児島県庁で記者会見し、次期衆院選の鹿児島4区に「NHKと裁判してる党弁護士法72条違反で」の公認で立候補すると正式に表明した。  宮川氏は、受信料を払った人だけがNHKを視聴できる「スクランブル化」の実現を目指すと強調。「新型コロナウイルス対策で社会を分断するような政策を取る今の政治を変えたい」とも述べた。  埼玉県川口市出身。土木建設会社の代表 ...

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