

The Elephant Vanishes: StoriesHardcover – March 31, 1993

The Elephant Vanishes: Stories Hardcover – March 31, 1993

Item Model
Technical Specification
Publisher‏: ‎Knopf (March 31, 1993)
Publication date‏: ‎March 31, 1993
Language‏: ‎English
ISBN-10‏: ‎0679420576
ISBN-13‏: ‎978-0679420576
Dimensions‏: ‎6 x 1.5 x 8.75 inches
English Edition by Haruki Murakami (著)
All Variant
Size Variations
Colour Variations
Variation Details

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 19, 2019

Bought this after watching a Korean film based on one of the short stories.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 19, 2019

Bought this after watching a Korean film based on one of the short stories.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 6, 2013

This man is able to write short stories which completely transport you to his imaginary world and leave you breathless and amazed as you get to the last page. Well worth reading if you enjoy good literature which is not run of the mill stuff.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 6, 2013

This man is able to write short stories which completely transport you to his imaginary world and leave you breathless and amazed as you get to the last page. Well worth reading if you enjoy good literature which is not run of the mill stuff.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on July 25, 2013

I`ve read almost all other Murakami`s work and I liked this one the least. Not that it`s badly written or something, but most of the stories are quite sad and I couldn`t wait to finish them and be done with them. The best story is probably the first one, but that is a first part of Wind-up bird cronicle anyway. Maybe it`s just my feeling, but I didn`t enjoy this one.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on July 25, 2013

I`ve read almost all other Murakami`s work and I liked this one the least. Not that it`s badly written or something, but most of the stories are quite sad and I couldn`t wait to finish them and be done with them. The best story is probably the first one, but that is a first part of Wind-up bird cronicle anyway. Maybe it`s just my feeling, but I didn`t enjoy this one.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on August 18, 2020

Not quite sure what to make of these short stories. Most of them left me wondering what the point was.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on August 18, 2020

Not quite sure what to make of these short stories. Most of them left me wondering what the point was.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 1, 2018


Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 1, 2018


Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 2, 2020

The book wasn't in good condition as described by the seller

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 2, 2020

The book wasn't in good condition as described by the seller

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 12, 2016

Bought as a present for husband as he is a fan of this writer,he's very happy.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 12, 2016

Bought as a present for husband as he is a fan of this writer,he's very happy.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on August 7, 2015

Brilliant! Really weird. The characters are bizarre and the stories too. Would be a great one for a book club.

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